
Thursday, August 14, 2014

My New Favorite Room

Doug laughs at me because anytime I finish a room I tell him that it is my new favorite room. Now, I have only completed two rooms. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it sure feels good to say I've completed something. The first room I worked on was the kids room. Everyone calls it Zoe's room even though it is where the grand kids stay or any other guest for that matter. It looks like a kids room and I have it figured out that if the girls are there, it will be girly and when the boy(s) are here it can be changed to the boy decor. When I change it out it will be an Americana theme.

Before we moved in.
Love the after pic.
I loved decorating this room. I couldn't stop smiling thinking of all the grand kids visits. It was quite fun unpacking all their things that I had been storing. Hannah actually had never even seen some of these toys. Zoe said, 'I remember all of these things, GG'. Tyler doesn't care as long as there are trucks!!

I found this gem at the Community Thrift Store. It was quite nasty.

Cleaned it up and used chalk paint, added new knobs & viola!! I impressed myself with this one,

I found these drawer knobs at Hobby Lobby. They are fun.

My mother made these quilts for her great-grands. I've been saving them just for this room.

This bedroom is on the front of the house. View out of this window is as lovely as the back of house.

Dress Up!

The closets in this house are huge. I have so much room in this one, its room enough for them to go in and play. That bottom right cubicle is camouflage of course.

That suitcase was another project from the condo days. It is full of play clothes. Here's what I did:
Found this old suitcase. Community Thrift is my go-to.

Used scrapbook paper & mod podged away.

It's perfect storage for princess shoes, fairy wings, & wands.

I smile every time I go in here.

Mostly because of these three. Soon to be four.

Some of my best memories were with my grandparents. Doug & I hope to pass that same legacy down to these gifts.  I love my view!!

Coming soon . . . office space. Yep. My new favorite room.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A New Home Begins

Can I just say,  . . . I LOVE my house!! I believe that might be a good a reason as any for not blogging. I've been playing house. Unpacking, organizing, decorating, feeling overwhelmed. Yes. It is overwhelming. Although I had some ideas about where things would go, I had no idea about where things would go. I've had to take one thing at a time. People tell me it might take up to a year to get really situated. I believe it. So, lets get you caught up. 

Moving Day was the most emotional day Doug & I have experienced in some time. We put a call out to some friends to help, but we had no idea of the support we would get that day. It wasn't just help and support. They were more than excited for us!! I don't have enough words to thank these people. Here is the day in pictures. 
Goodbye, tiny little apartment.

 We had seven GOOD men to pack up trucks & then unload them. I don't have enough words that says how much we are thankful for them. I must cook them all a good southern meal.

While the women unpacked boxes & put my kitchen stuff in cabinets. Who does that? GOOD, good, friends. Was so overwhelming to watch this. So fun. With lots of laughter.

These two awesome friends brought lunch for everyone.  THANK YOU, Dawn & Kay for feeding everyone.

It was a spread that went on forever! It didn't just feed our bodies, but our hearts! I love you  both dearly.

The guys finished unloading & taking a break on the back porch.

In both of these pics I do believe they are admiring my awesome porch light.

And yes, there was dancing.  LOL. On the first day at the Vincent's, there was dancing!! 

And then, Doug decided to thank everyone . . . and had us all in tears.

They were all video taping Doug, so I shot a pic of that. 

I can't remember what all Doug said in that moment. I was crying so hard. You see, this past year was a tough year in so many ways. The waiting, the living from boxes, the worry, the extreme fatigue. There is so much more to this story that needs its own blog page. Just because you dream it, doesn't make it happen. It takes more than vision. Putting legs on that vision is the hard part. Holding onto trust when you can't see what's in front of you is one painful ride. I held onto so many versus during this time, but this is the one that I clung to. Exodus 14:14 "God will fight for you. Just stay calm." (Thank you, Char, for giving that word to me) I especially get a kick out of the Message version: "God will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!"

This was our sunset on the first night. I couldn't help but remember this:
Psalm 16:6 The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!

When I woke up the next morning, this was my view. My boyfriend. Enjoying the land. Enjoying His God. 

And then, we celebrated with our first cooked meal, in our new house, on our new stove. 

BACON. Nuff said. 

I'll be back soon.  I have so much progress to show you. 
Please stay tuned. I have some great views to share.